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Acing Tests: Top Secrets to Succeed in Your Exam

According to Finstock Evarsity, 68% of students are confident of acing tests come exam time, but only 22% achieve their target score. Many perform below the expected standards, mainly due to procrastination, overconfidence, poor time management, and anxiety. A comprehensive exam preparation plan helps students address the common issues contributing to exam failure. In this guide, our expert exam takers provide a holistic approach that addresses all aspects of preparing for a high school or college final exam. If you need help in preparing or doing your test, we have the best exam-help experts to guide you and do it for you.

Best Tips Acing Tests: Review the Course Materials

Instructors rarely set exams outside the curriculum. Most questions in any standardized exam come from the content covered in the syllabus. The following are some course materials that provide the best insights into acing tests:

  • Review sheet: A review sheet is usually the first section on a topic. It details the essential concepts students should know by the end of a particular section. Going through the review sheet can help students understand the areas to put more emphasis on while studying different topics.
  • Lecture notes: The notes instructors provide during class contain vital information that might appear in an exam. Reading and rewriting the printed or dictated notes refreshes the mind on the main concepts covered in the syllabus. 
  • Short quizzes or assignments: Questions at the end of every chapter can guide students through the testable concepts in a topic. Revising the short quizzes and homework after each section can help students understand the questions to expect in an upcoming exam.

Use Different Learning Styles

People learn differently. Using the most appropriate learning style or a combination of techniques can help exam takers grasp more information and retain it longer. The three main types of learning that can aid in acing tests include:

Visual Learning

Statistics show that 65% of learners retain visual information better than other methods. Visual learning involves using visibly distinct information or materials such as brightly colored notes, maps, and diagrams. These can be presented through flashcards, PowerPoints, or video.

Auditory Learning

This form of learning involves listening to information presented through word of mouth or devices such as apps, podcasts, or YouTube tutorials. Some students also revise for an exam better with background music.

Stick to a Daily Study Schedule

Research shows that studying an hour daily can help students perform better than spending long hours studying within a short period. Instead of reading in the final days before an exam, try to learn bit by bit daily. Having a daily study schedule with short sessions helps cover more content without overloading the mind with content.  It also allows students to continuously work on and improve on their weak areas in a subject before an exam.

Take Practice Tests

Another secret to acing tests is consistently taking practice or mock exams. For example, in a math exam, tackling algebra, geometry, or arithmetic practice questions through past papers and quizzes can help students know the questions to expect and how to apply the correct formulas.

Most instructors provide exam prep questions before an exam. If not, students can access the numerous prep questions available online for free or via paid channels. Practice exams not only familiarize students with the exam questions but also help them understand the format and structure of an exam, including the different timings and grading systems of various examinations.

Rest and Eat Well: Before an Exam

If an exam is early in the morning, getting enough sleep can help students feel physically and mentally fresh before the exam. Avoid drinking caffeine or exposure to blue light from phones, laptops, or computer screens 30 minutes before bedtime to prevent sleep deprivation.

Similarly, taking a healthy meal or snack before the exam helps boost mental and physical energy during the test. Some brain-boosting meals include fruits, vegetables, eggs, fish, legumes, nuts, and proteins that improve overall mood.

The best tip to Acing Tests: Apply the Best Test-Taking Strategies

Reading and revising can help students prepare for an exam, but knowing how to answer the exam questions can help in acing tests. Before tackling any questions in an exam, carefully read the fine print within the instructions to understand the requirements. Then, skim through the paper and start with the simple questions first to avoid getting frustrated by the hard questions early in the exam.

While reading each question, underline the key phrases, words, and subjective terms, such as “best,” “not,” or any other statements, especially true or false and multiple-choice question types. In short answer and essay questions, analyze the task provided and plan a detailed response before writing down the answer. Lastly, remember to use time effectively to spare some minutes to review all the answers before submitting.

Learn the Secrets to Acing Tests from Experienced Exam Experts

Having an all-around preparation system and not leaving anything to chance is essential to acing tests in school. More importantly, studying well before the exam day increases the odds of grasping information, including the challenging concepts in the syllabus. Working with our exam experts can also boost students’ chances of passing an exam and getting good grades.

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