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CDFA Online University

The California Department of Food and Agriculture manages a third of the vegetable and three-quarters of U.S. fruit production. It has over 566 workers overseeing the smooth running of the institution’s departments in various capacities. All CDFA staff, from junior to senior workers, must take the mandatory in-house training through the CDFA online university. The training familiarizes them with the current state of agricultural and administrative responsibilities. In this post, our online class experts outline the training offered at CDFA online university and the registration process. We also take online trainings for workers, allowing them to focus on other essential duties.

CDFA Online Training Overview

CDFA online university provides all training through its official website. Course takers must log in to the portal to access the training and dashboard information. The following is an overview of how the website works:

Calendar: The calendar contains information on the courses available for trainees. It details specific dates and venues of each course and the enrolment deadline for the programs.

Catalog: This section details the various staff training categories based on their role in the organization. Trainees pick and enrol in their respective courses from the catalog displayed. The segments in this section are divided into:

  • CDFA In-House Classes
  • Desktop Applications
  • Professional Effectiveness
  • Online Required

Resources: The resources section contains helpful information on navigating the website and training. Examples of information in this section of the CDFA online university website include:

  • Trainees Guide for Navigating the CDFA Online University
  • Individual Training List
  • Out-Service Vendor Links
  • Personal Financial Development
  • Mandatory Training Policies
  • CDFA Online University Out-Service Training Information Form
  • Unit Training Coordinator (UTC) List

Transcript: After completing CDFA training, workers can access their results from the transcript dashboard. Their transcript results indicate their performance in previous online trainings.

Message board: The messaging tile is for trainees without an official work email address. They can receive important information from the training coordinators or the university and reply through the message board.

CDFA Online University Programs

CDFA online university offers a variety of courses, including but not limited to the following virtual programs:

Pest and Disease Control

CDFA online university educates its staff on the best pest and disease control measures. This lesson introduces the common California pests and diseases, such as Xylella fastidiosa, responsible for Pierce’s disease, and the Asian psyllid and long-horn beetle that cause citrus fruit disease. The course also explains ways to identify diseases, the appropriate rapid response techniques, and containment strategies to prevent their spread.

Animal Health and Food Safety

Course takers get insights on maintaining healthy poultry, dairy, and meat farm animals. They learn to detect, prevent, and eradicate diseases from contaminating livestock and poultry, ensuring a constant supply of safe agricultural products to California residents. The course also covers inspection and investigative techniques that help prevent animal loss through theft, straying, or misappropriation.

Sustainable Agriculture

CDFA online university takes the Office of Environmental Farming and Innovation staff through the latest sustainable agricultural practices. It explains the environmental-friendly programs and incentives in place for the net benefit of the environment. Students also learn about innovative and efficient agricultural practices such as the healthy soils program, the state water efficiency enhancement program, and biologically integrated farming methods.

Maintaining a Respectful Work Environment

California State Board of Food and Agriculture members take lessons on maintaining peaceful and productive work environments. They learn the concept of inclusivity when assigning workers duties and responsibilities. The lesson also covers the best conflict-resolution practices and actions against harassment, sexual abuse, and discrimination.

Effective and Compliant Board Meetings

Senior workers get a comprehensive crash course on holding effective CFDA board meetings. They learn the timelines for the regular, special, committee, and emergency board meetings and the hierarchical structure of board committees. Students also discover the proper ways to conduct the meetings according to the Bagley- Keene Open Meeting Act.

CDFA Online University Registration Process

Students must register with the CDFA online university to access the training materials. Registration is only done once through the online portal. The following is the step-by-step CDFA registration process:

  1. Visit the CDFA online university website.
  2. Enter the respective enrolment key name or title, whether it’s governor appointee, CEA, manager, supervisor, seasonal employee, volunteer, board committee member, or nonsupervisory employee
  3. Input the name, social security number, employment ID number, and other details required in the registration form.
  4. Submit the details by clicking “Sign up.”

Course takers should clear the Temp Files and the pop-up blocker before logging into the website to avoid delays. They should also turn on InPrivate Browsing if a blank screen appears after clicking on the website. Lastly, report any login errors to the UTC trainer for further assistance.

Pay Someone to Take the CDFA Online University Training

The CDFA online university training is a regular program for employed staff, volunteers, and board members. Naturally, trainees lack the time to take the training due to overwhelming work and family responsibilities. Our online training experts can take the CDFA online training for workers with busy schedules, ensuring they complete the course within the stipulated time.

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