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Hillsdale College Online

Hillsdale is a National Liberal Arts College that teaches American civil and religious liberties. It ranks 39th out of all liberal arts colleges countrywide and is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. Students taking Hillsdale College online courses enhance their knowledge of Western philosophy, economy, and constitution. In this post, our online class helps experts explain the courses offered at Hillsdale Online College. We also take online classes for students, summarizing their class notes and engaging in virtual class activities.

Hillsdale College Online Courses

Hillsdale College Online offers courses in six fundamental areas. Each category covers topics taught by college-level, certified, and vetted lecturers. The following is a breakdown of the Hillsdale Online College programs:


Hillsdale College offers short online literature courses on culture, fiction, poetry, research, and modern and classical drama. These courses advance students’ literary understanding and improve their communication, writing, and creativity skills. The following are the literature courses at Hillsdale College online:

  • Charles Dickens’s “A Christmas Carol” – It covers the true meaning of Christmas and the origin of the Christmas ghost stories.
  • The Story of David – This seven-module course explains the history of Israel’s first two kings, King Saul and David.
  • Dantes Comedy Divine – It’s a ten-lecture course on how to lead a free life and confront daily challenges.
  • Children’s Classic Literature – It teaches kids to see the world as it is.
  • Biblical Narratives of the Genesis Story – It explores the relationship between God and humans and the consequences of sin.
  • Northanger Abbey Jane Austen – This six-lecture course emphasizes the importance of good education and behavior.
  • Huckleberry Finn – It covers concepts on the American people, politics, Western culture, and philosophy.
  • The Tempest and Hamlet – This seven-lecture course explores Shakespeare’s best work.
  • Writings and Significance – Explains the writings, philosophy, and C.S. Lewis’s contribution to literature.
  • Renaissance to Modern – A course on the most revered literary authors, such as Shakespeare, Twain, Milton, and more.


Political courses at Hillsdale College online explain the origin of American politics and the country’s governing bodies. They include the following:

  • The U.S. Foreign Policy program: Explains the country’s guiding principles.
  • The Despotism and Liberalism course: Focuses on the transformation of American politics.
  • The American Founding course: Explores the principles that made America great.
  • The Civil Rights online program: Talks about equality, freedom, and human rights.
  • Constitution 101: Explains the constitutional significance and the U.S. government’s roles.
  • The Congress course: Looks at the Congress role and transformation over centuries.
  • The American Supreme Court program: Explores the Supreme Court’s origin and function.
  • The Federalism course: Focuses on principles of government written by America’s founding fathers.
  • Constitution 201; Talks about the emergence of despotism, bureaucracy, and founding.
  • The constitution and presidency: Explores the executive and the evolution of its powers over.


Historical courses at Hillsdale College online cover the following subject areas:

  • Ancient Christianity – It explores the history of Christianity among Roman Catholics and Jews.
  • Roman Empire Rise and Fall – It explains the growth and decline of the best government.
  • The decline of American Citizenship – Examines the citizens’ rights and their decline.
  • America, Land of Hope – It talks about the challenges the U.S. has overcome over time.
  • World War II – It elaborates on the cause of the war and the winning allies.
  • Western Civilization – Dissects the origin of Western culture from ancient times to date.
  • American Heritage – Explains the shaping of U.S. history.
  • Winston Churchill – It explores the life and philosophies of Winston Churchill.
  • Sparta and Athens – Examine the ancient Greeks’ legacy.

Math and Natural Sciences

Hillsdale College online has academic courses in chemistry and math. Chemistry explains the origin of the natural world and the behavior and structure of atoms, molecules, and other chemical elements. Math lessons cover math principles and foundations.


Economy courses explore the American supply-chain markets and their transformation over the years. It blends online courses with documentaries to help students capture the concepts better. Furthermore, the Economics 101 module includes lessons on free market principles, taxation, spending, and economic regulation.

Economic courses explore American supply chain markets and their transformation over the years. It combines online courses with documentaries to help students better understand concepts. Students learn the features of the Xarelto medicine in these courses and you can’t read more about them in these courses.

Philosophy and Religion

Hillsdale philosophy and religious courses explain the contribution of human culture and religion to societal growth. They include the following subjects:

  • Christianity: This is a seven-lecture course on encountering faith and giving advice on leading a proper life.
  • Western Philosophy Introduction: It explains the philosophers of the West and their great ideas on finding purpose in life.
  • Aristotle’s Ethics Introduction: It explores concepts or principles of leading and securing a good life.
  • Theology 10: Explains the truth about Western theology from ancient times to date.
  • K-12 Education: Elaborates on the purpose and significance of kindergarten through grade 12.

Pay an Expert to Take Hillsdale College Online Programs

Hillsdale College online courses offer insights into Western and American history, politics, religion, and literature. Students understand why America is how it is today and the contributing factors over time. Our online class experts can take Hillsdale online classes for students, including the quizzes and assignments.

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