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Online Summer School

Statistics by ThinkImpact show that 97% of accredited universities and colleges have summer school programs. These courses allow students to explore new subjects, improve on specific topics, and earn college credits for their degree and master’s programs. Online summer school gives college students and adult learners the flexibility to study while working and enjoying their summer vacation. In this guide, our online class helpers explain the modes of learning, courses, cost, and duration of summer school online programs. They also take summer classes for students with busy schedules, ensuring they excel at the end of the study period.

Summer School Online Learning Methods

Online summer school offers self-paced programs and more than one way for students to study these courses. The following are the two commonly used formats in online summer classes, depending on the class schedule and instructions:

Online Synchronous

In synchronous learning, the students and instructors access the course materials simultaneously but from different locations. They engage through live videos, audio, presentations, live classes, and discussion meetings.

Online Asynchronous

The asynchronous format includes prerecorded lectures, quizzes, and notes that students can access at their own time, day or night. It also provides platforms for discussion with other students or course instructors in case learners encounter challenges in the coursework.

Online Summer School Courses

Online summer school has numerous subjects for students based on their learning needs. All courses are facilitated by top instructors in the U.S. and accredited by relevant bodies. Students earn a certification from their respective institutions after completing their online summer course. The following are the popular subjects in summer school programs across higher learning institutions nationwide:

Arts and Humanities

Arts and humanities programs teach students to express themselves through written, verbal, and nonverbal communication. Art topics focus more on creative expression through production and performance, whereas humanities involve critical analysis and research. The following are some online summer school subjects that fall within the arts and humanities categories:

  • Creative and expository writing
  • Music
  • Comparative literature
  • English
  • Film and visual arts
  • Journalism
  • Linguistics
  • Philosophy
  • Museum studies
  • Art history and architecture
  • American studies

Business and Economics

Business subjects explain essential business concepts such as marketing, branding, and administration. Students learn an entrepreneur’s role in creating a business plan, pitching the plan, and managing and growing a business.

The topics also cover economic concepts like supply and demand, benefits, scarcity, capital management, cost, and incentives. Lastly, students familiarize themselves with business taxation rules and regulations and public speaking.


The online summer school science course introduces learners to college-level scientific research and analogies. It gives them a broader understanding of living things (life science), non-living elements (physical science), environmental issues plaguing the planet (earth science), and astronomical events in and outside the planet (earth science).

The specific subjects covered under scientific courses include:

  • Astronomy
  • Earth and planetary sciences
  • Biology
  • Environmental studies
  • Biotechnology
  • Mind, behavior, and brain
  • Chemistry
  • Psychology
  • Physics


Students interested in engineering get expert tutoring from top summer school professors. This lesson introduces them to basic engineering concepts, such as the engineering design process professionals use to create functional items.

It also covers the math and science applications of identifying and solving engineering issues, the electronic devices used in construction, and maintaining material efficiencies. The practical side of the course asks students to build a structure using limited materials.


The math crush course explores tertiary-level algebra and calculus concepts such as functions and their properties and linear and quadratic equations. It also explains the application of statistics and probability concepts to solving real-world challenges. The lesson later gravitates toward economic models, including visual, mathematical, and simulations, plus the infinity concept.


Language concepts in online summer school help advance knowledge of global languages. Students learn to read, speak, and write using different languages besides the conventional English. These are some of the languages taught:

  • Arabic
  • French
  • Chinese
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Russian
  • Greek
  • Latin
  • Ukrainian
  • Korean
  • Celtic literature
  • Spanish

Foreign students whose second language is English can also improve their English language speaking, writing, and reading skills.

Social Sciences

Social science concepts explore different societies and their cultures. The course also explains the relationships among the people in society and their behavior, including defiant acts against social norms. Subjects covered here include:

  • Public Health
  • Anthropology
  • Energy 
  • Cognitive Science
  • Global Poverty
  • Criminology

Online Summer School Cost and Duration

Short and less complex online summer school programs take one to four weeks, while lengthier programs can last the entire summer. It depends on the program and the student’s learning speed. Also, summer school costs vary depending on the institution, with top institutions charging a premium while others can be less costly.

Get an Expert to Take Online Summer Classes

Online summer school programs can help students advance their knowledge and skills in specific subjects and earn college credits. Students enrolling in the programs must take their studies seriously to realize their goals. Our online class helpers can help students with their online summer classes by taking notes and attending virtual lectures.

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